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The Proliferation of Social Media Platforms

Social Media Platforms

The proliferation of social media platforms has resulted in the creation of a world that, for the most part, does not really exist, which has become the scourge of today’s contemporary civilization.

The days of “MySpace” and the formative days of Facebook, in which users just posted status updates, images from places they went, recipes, as well as other things to remain in contact with family and friends, are long gone. Today, Facebook users can do much more.

The modern iteration of social media is designed to spread lies, media manipulation, and false narratives to hundreds of millions of individuals every minute. It is used by the government and a few in the private sector for continuous psychological warfare, as the CEO of Twitter, Elon Musk, recently disclosed with his dumps of “Twitter Files.”

Now, we have learned that Twitter was exploited to propagate vast misinformation about the COVID-19 epidemic in order to terrify the general population into conforming to one authoritarian edict after another.

According to a report by Revolver News, the two so-called emergency room physicians who said that they saw hundreds of COVID fatalities throughout each shift weren’t even actual people:

If you used Twitter around the time that so-called “fear-mongering” about COVID was at its height, you probably remember the “Twitter doctors” who claimed they were continuing to lose swarms of sick people to COVID each solitary day. These “doctors” appeared seemly out of pure nothingness and claimed they were on Twitter.

Everyone was driven into a frenzy of dread because of these so-called “doctors.” Their tweets would consistently get a large number of retweets and hundreds of thousands of engagements every day.

The “doctors” pretended to be emergency room physicians and were, in some capacity, members of the LGBTQ community. They fabricated this terrible and apocalyptic situation, which gave the impression that dead corpses were stacking up on the sidewalks.

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