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The Hidden Dangers of Solar Geoengineering: Risks and Uncertainties

Solar geoengineering, a method to counteract climate change by reflecting the sun’s rays back into space, has garnered a great deal of attention over the last decade. However, despite the potential benefits, this practice also poses significant dangers to the environment, people, and their communities. This article discusses the risks and uncertainties associated with solar geoengineering and the need for an honest public conversation about its reality.

Negative Impacts on the Environment and Communities

The release of aerosols into the atmosphere can lead to meteorological imbalances, including torrential rains, winds, and droughts in tropical regions. Additionally, these aerosols could cause harm to the planet’s ozone layer, exacerbating the already alarming issue of climate change. Moreover, the potential loss of blue skies could decrease the amount of sunlight reaching the ground by up to 20%, giving the sky a hazier appearance.

Reduced Crop Yields

Studies have shown that geoengineering could lead to a decrease in the yields of certain crops. In 2018, a team at the University of California, Berkeley found evidence to support this theory.

The Reverse Effect of Heating the Earth

Although some hail geoengineering is the solution to climate change, research indicates that it could have the reverse effect of heating the Earth. A study published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres in 2013 revealed that if geoengineering programs were started and then suddenly halted, the planet could see an immediate rise in temperatures, particularly over land.

Serious Environmental, Social, and Political Risks

An international committee of scientists found in February 2015 that solar geoengineering techniques present “serious known and possible unknown environmental, social, and political risks, including the possibility of being deployed unilaterally.” This statement highlights the significant risks associated with geoengineering, which should not be ignored in favor of the perceived risks of climate change.

The Need for Honest Public Conversation

As more studies confirm the dangers of geoengineering technologies, it’s time for an honest public conversation about the reality of these programs. Although any suggestion that these programs may already be taking place is derided as a conspiracy theory, the history of the US military and intelligence interest in modifying and controlling the weather cannot be ignored.

Geoengineering is part of a broader category of weather manipulation technology that also includes more common tools like cloud seeding. It is interesting to note that cloud seeding was used in the Vietnam War as the US military attempted to flood the Viet Gong with rainstorms as part of Operation Popeye. Furthermore, in 2015, Professor Alan Robock gave a speech discussing the possibility of the CIA using the weather as a weapon of war.


In conclusion, solar geoengineering is a complex and controversial issue that requires further study and investigation. While it is tempting to view this practice as a solution to climate change, we must be aware of the potential negative impacts on the environment, communities, and the planet as a whole. An honest public conversation about the reality of these programs is needed to ensure that we are making informed decisions about the future of our planet.

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