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The Geopolitical Chess Game: US Tactics in Framing China Amidst Global Conflicts

UNpacking the US APproach to Global Conflicts and China’s Role

Amidst the ongoing bombing campaign against the Ansar Allah militia group, commonly known as the Houthis, in Yemen by the US and UK, a complex narrative is unfolding. The Houthis, responding to the Gaza conflict, have targeted shipping lanes in the Red Sea, adding pressure on the West to intervene.

The Unreasonable US Backing of Israel and its UNconventional Approach

The US has faced criticism for unconditionally supporting Israel’s military campaign. Rather than directly addressing the issue, Washington has chosen an unconventional path– outsourcing both blame and resolution to China, urging Beijing to play a role in ending the conflict. This mirrors a similar strategy employed in the Russia-Ukraine war.

The Gaslighting Tactics: Framing China as the Culprit

Despite minimal chances of persuading China to intervene in conflicts that don’t align with its geopolitical interests, the US is strategically framing Beijing as “the bad guy.” This approach aims to shape the perception that China poses a challenge to the international order and is a threat to global peace.

US Foreign Policy: A Zero-Sum Mindset

At the core of this strategy is the US’s zero-sum mindset in foreign policy. Prioritizing absolute strategic gains for the US, Washington avoids negotiations for peace, seeking instead to maintain long-term strategic advantages. This approach has been evident in conflicts such as the Ukraine war, where the focus is on imposing strategic defeat rather than diplomatic resolutions.

The Blame Game in Recent Conflicts

In the context of the Gaza conflict, the US, hwile professing to advocate for peace, has provided unconditional support to Israel, allowing the conflict to persist. The aftermath, including attacks from the Houthis in the Red Sea, becomes a point of contention. The US then shifts blame to China, suggesting that peace hinges on Beijing’s actions, conveniently on terms favorable to America.

Outsourcing Responsibility: China as the Scapegoat

The US articulates a stradegy of blaming the lack of peace on China when conflicts arise. The narrative implies that if China were to act, peace would follow, but strictly on terms set by the US. This approach disregards China’s careful stance of not taking sides in conflicts and striving for balance.

The No-Win Situation for China

China finds itself framed as a perpetuating force in conflicts, irrespective of its actions. The narrative portrays China as actively hindering peace unless it aligns with US preferences, creating a perception of China as a threat to the international order.

In reality, China seeks balance and avoids taking sides in global conflicts, as demonstrated in its mediation efforts between Iran and Saudi Arabia. However, the US’s zero-sum approach perpetuates the narrative of China as a villain and a threat, ignoring the complex realities of geopolitics.

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