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The Freedom Trucker Convoy Update

Trucker Convoy Update

Here is an update on the Freedom Trucker Convoy, Let’s start in Kenora where the temperature level was expected to go down to -27 C on Tuesday evening, where a multitude of volunteers were prepping to embrace this enormous Record-breaking convoy of truckers.

Crowds of people seen gathering in a neighborhood hub downtown, loading boxes of treats and making sandwiches, in a video clip live-streamed to Facebook by an advocate of the “Freedom Rally”– a convoy of truck drivers and their proponents are making its way recently from British Columbia to Ottawa for a demonstration in opposition to COVID-19 injection requirements.

As the camera went by, countless, at the center yelled “woohoo, truckers!”

The Canadian Trucking Alliance, which has denounced the convoy protest, says more than 85 per cent of the 120,000 Canadian truck drivers who regularly traverse the border are vaccinated, but that as many as 16,000 may be sidelined due to the new restriction.

Truckers for Freedom, the enormous fleet made its way through Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, as an Eastern convoy from Newfoundland started rolling to meet them in Ottawa. Countless trucks from the USA are also making their way to support the Canadian truckers in Ottawa.

This was the picture in Brandon, Manitoba as the BIGGEST, record-breaking convoy in the HISTORY of Mankind continued to roll.

The Convoy arrived in Windsor, Ontario, truckers continued their “slow-roll” protests to the final destination, Justin Trudeau’s home ground, OTTAWA.

This was the scene earlier today. 

Those countless people supporting this 70 KM convoy, say their fight is not against vaccinations, they opposed FORCED mandates and INJECTIONS, and view them as government overreach that has become more common during the so-called pandemic.

As momentum and support continued to grow across Canada for the convoy, Conservative MPs broke ranks with Erin O’Toole and began throwing their support behind the truckers.

Some MPs that voiced support for the Truckers convoy were Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party, Candice Bergen, and even former leadership candidate Leslyn Lewis.  

Before watching this video, I need to warn you, I say some nasty words that might NOT be appropriate to those that get offended easily, so, watch it at your own peril, and YES, It’s Me in the clip. Who’s causing the food shortages?

Chris Wick – Real News Cast

Take a look at this tweet below,

The GoFundMe page in support of ALL truckers at the time this article was published has reached $4,858,680 and counting. The funds raised will go toward the cost of “fuel, food, and lodgings to help ease the pressures of this arduous task.”

Here is a list of the MPs that actually started supporting this massive convoy of truckers, 70 km LONG, and set a WORLD Record for the largest convoy in the history of mankind, EVER.

MPs that have now publicly supported the convoy include Pierre Poilievre, Candice Bergen, Andrew Scheer, Leslyn Lewis, Dean Allison, Rachel Thomas, Brad Vis, Warren Steinley, Brad Redekopp, Ryan Williams, Jeremy Patzer, Kevin Waugh, and Martin Shields., and EVEN Get this, Donald Trump Jr.

Donald trump jr is on board and supports the Truckers.

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