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The Elite’s Dark Secrets: Uncovering the Truth About Pedophilia, Satanism, and Corruption

For the benefit of anyone who hasn’t been keeping up with recent events, members of society’s upper crust are strongly involved in pedophilia and satanism. They will do everything to defend those who are within their ranks and every one of them has something negative to say about one other.

You are wasting your time if you are following the coverage of court cases in the mainstream media and expecting them to provide accurate information regarding Epstein’s VIP and elite customers. This information will never be made public by conventional media outlets. Their world as they know it would end if this happened.

The rotten system in its entirety would be brought down from the inside out. Nonetheless, the information will eventually become public. We simply need to continue looking in the appropriate locations. And once the truth is out, we will be unable to forgive and forget what happened.

What do we have to go on from here?

We are aware that Jeffrey Epstein was a close friend of former President Bill Clinton and that he was also the best buddy of Prince Andrew, the son that Queen Elizabeth considers to be her favorite.

These two scoundrels were so desperate to spend as much time as possible with Epstein that they left a trail of evidence that fact-checkers, who are experts in making scandals go away for the elite, haven’t been able to cover up the evidence. These two scoundrels left a trail of evidence that fact-checkers, who are experts in making scandals go away for the elite. The son of Creepy Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, is another degenerate who has left a trail of evidence regarding his preferences, most of which include crack cocaine, prostitution, and incest. On the other hand, the media is involved in a massive cover-up in regard to the severity of the depravity that was found on Hunter’s laptop from hell.

Internet sleuths found proof of pizza-related pedophile “code words” being used in emails that mention both Hillary Clinton and John Podesta after emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop were exposed prior to the most recent election. The emails referenced both Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.

In 2016, the story of how pedophile code phrases were employed in email conversations between Hillary Clinton and her campaign boss John Podesta was exclusively broken by The emails in question were revealed by Wikileaks. As the investigation continues, it appears that Hunter Biden was also implicated in the affair. An invitation to a pizza party that would include Tony Podesta, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, and James Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong was forwarded to Hunter by his business partner Eric Scherwin in an email dated March 30, 2016, which was archived on this website.

“Putala for Clinton” was used as the subject line of the email. Putala, which is an interesting name, really means “an effigy of guilt.” But, Hunter Biden, the Clintons, and Prince Andrew are merely the top of a massive iceberg that has the potential to bring down the whole corrupt system that is controlled by the global elite. Like Jimmy Savile, Epstein was a supplier of children to the highest levels of high society in the United States and Europe. Presidents, CEOs, and Royalty were all involved in his elite pedophile ring. However, the exploits of Epstein are currently the subject of an extreme cover-up by the courts and the powers that be. However, we know for a fact that, like Jimmy Savile, Epstein was a supplier of children to the highest levels of high society.

Once it was discovered that Jeffrey Epstein visited the White House at least 17 times while Bill Clinton was in office, there has been speculation over the role that former President Bill Clinton may have had in the functioning of an elite pedophile network run by Epstein. Epstein, who along with his accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell, trafficked children to be raped by politicians, businessmen, and royalty, paid a visit to Bill Clinton at the Executive Mansion over the course of three years. During those three years, Epstein trafficked children to be raped by politicians, businessmen, and royalty.

Epstein was quickly welcomed into the Clintons’ inner circle after the Clintons wasted no time in doing so. The first invitation was extended to Clinton in January 1993, exactly one month after he was sworn into office. Discuss the order of your priorities. According to the logs, Epstein was present on a total of 14 different days, and on three distinct times, he even made two inexplicable trips within the span of a single day. The disclosure puts renewed scrutiny on Clinton’s friendship with Epstein, who is known to have flown the former president on his private jet – known as the ‘Lolita Express’ – dozens of times after he left office. Those who are close to Epstein have issued horrific reports of Clinton’s behavior on these trips. The disclosure puts renewed scrutiny on Clinton’s friendship with Epstein.

So, do any of these charges have any basis in reality?

There is no use in listening to anyone in the mainstream media on anything since, for many years now, they have served as an arm of the public relations department of the Democratic Party. Yet there was once a period in the past when the rare nugget of truth was permitted to leak through amongst the mountains of misinformation that were being spread.

Consider, for example, the claim made by NBC News that Hillary Clinton, when serving as Obama’s Secretary of State, obstructed an investigation into a high-level pedophile network within the State Department. According to the report that was given by Chuck Todd, President Clinton terminated the probe in order to prevent a scandal and to safeguard the careers of high-ranking officials. Even official State Department memos were offered by NBC as evidence to support the accusations that Hillary Clinton was involved in a cover-up of an elite pedophile network. The revelation by NBC News is unsettling in and of itself, but what transpired after the network broadcast the news of the Clinton “cover-up” is maybe even more unsettling.

The tape was scrubbed from the network’s archives, and the video was removed from all social media sites where it had been shared. The host of the show, Chuck Todd, has ignored the thousands of requests for a response that have been made. Nobody at NBC or in the mainstream media is willing to admit that the report was ever shown on television. And it gets even worse. It has been claimed by fact-checkers such as Politifact and, among others, that NBC did not disclose that Hillary Clinton “covered up” evidence of a pedophile network in the State Department. This is one example of how fact-checkers have been used to deny what is indisputable.

Breathtaking. In addition to this, the fact check provided by is even less honorable. It has been claimed that NBC did not state that Hillary Clinton was involved in covering up the scandal. Shameless.

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