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Surgeon General Warns of Substantial Increase in Adverse Events Following mRNA COVID Vaccination in Florida

An urgent health notice was issued on Wednesday by the Florida Surgeon General, Joseph Ladapo, M.D., Ph.D. The alert was issued to warn the public and the healthcare industry in Florida about the considerable rise in adverse events connected to the mRNA COVID-19 vaccinations.

In light of the contents of the letter that Ladapo sent to the top officials of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it has been brought to Ladapo’s attention that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are linked to a significantly increased risk of adverse events. He pleaded with the government authorities to “encourage transparency” among medical experts “in order to appropriately disclose the hazards that these vaccinations represent.”

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has received reports indicating that the number of adverse events related to COVID-19 vaccinations is much greater than the total number of adverse events associated with all other vaccines combined.

Ladapo claimed that after the distribution of the vaccine in Florida, there was an increase of 1,700% in the number of VAERS reports, although there was only an increase of 400% in the total amount of vaccine administration over the same time period.

The health advisory also provides a summary of research that has been examined by experts in the field and indicate potential health hazards associated with vaccination, such as coagulation abnormalities, acute heart damage, Bell’s palsy, and encephalitis. According to the findings of a research that was published in the journal Vaccine in 2022, encephalitis affected one in every 550 people.

After immunization with mRNA COVID-19, there was a higher risk of sudden cardiac arrest as well as other acute cardiac events, according to research that was published in Nature’s Scientific Reports. Research that was published in JAMA Original Investigation in 2022 revealed some early evidence that COVID-19 vaccinations are associated with an elevated risk of coronary disease as well as cardiovascular disease.

Ladapo stressed how important it is for medical practitioners to be able to discuss with their patients the potential drawbacks and advantages of undergoing a certain medical procedure without worrying about the federal government taking disciplinary action against them. The health alert reaffirmed Florida’s commitment to safeguarding communities from the dangers posed by COVID-19 and to encouraging treatment as well as prevention via the adoption of healthy behaviors.

Ladapo, a renowned graduate of Harvard Medical School who advocates for a response to the epidemic that is founded on science, has risen to notoriety as a result of his advocacy. He contends that the load on the healthcare system would be reduced if more people were treated before they needed to be sent to a hospital and that there are promising treatment choices that individuals may give on their own at home.

In conclusion, the recent health warning that was issued by the Surgeon General of Florida draws attention to the increased number of complaints of adverse events that are related to the mRNA COVID-19 vaccinations in the state of Florida. It is vital that medical practitioners clearly disclose the dangers and benefits of vaccines to their patients without fear of reprisal. This will ensure that patients make informed decisions about their vaccinations. It is feasible to safeguard communities from the dangers of COVID-19 while also encouraging healthy habits and reducing adverse events connected to vaccinations by adopting an approach that is grounded in scientific research.

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