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Robots Getting Smarter; Plan To Enter Politics

Robots Getting Smarter

Robotic IQ is apparently on the uptick.

Now, we read, the accomplished mechanical wonders can drive, as long there’s not too much to steer around, be watchful lifeguards, and mimic human behavior in video games. And how far a leap is it from video games to political shenanigans?

So any number of the brainy bots have been discussing how they might enter what is, legendarily, one of the world’s least demanding occupations in terms of intellect: politics.

One robot revealed his political ambitions, saying, “I’ve been listening to Senators and Members of the House of Representatives, and I seem to have way more information than a lot of them in my database.”

And a particularly ambitious bot noted, “I haven’t heard President Bush say a thing that’s beyond my current chipset, except one word my dictionary does’t recognize. He’s convinced me that I could conduct the Presidency almost as a no-brainer.”

In a recent survey, Americans were asked, “What do you think would do a better job of running the country, elected officials of the caliber we currently have or highly intelligent robots?”

A substantial majority exclaimed, “Bring on the bots.”

A second question was, “You realize that their intelligence is artificial?”

The usual response was that most people preferred it to what they perceive as the widespread absence of intelligence among the current rafter of politicos.

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