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PM Narendra Modi against Muslims claimed BBC

A “propaganda piece” on PM Narendra Modi was shown on the BBC, which has been criticized by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs.

The allegations that Modi’s government differentiates against Muslims and that the Prime Minister may have played a part in inciting ethnic uprisings in 2002 are the primary focus of the documentary. Other allegations made in the film include that Modi himself may have been responsible for inciting these riots.

On Thursday, a spokeswoman for the foreign ministry named Arindam Bagchi gave an interview with NDTV in which he said, “Let me simply make it very plain that we believe that this is a propaganda campaign trying to promote a specific discredited narrative.” “The partiality, the absence of objectivity, and, to tell you the truth, a persisting colonial attitude are all glaringly obvious.”

Bagchi continued by saying, “If anything, this video/documentary is a comment on the agency or persons who are selling this story again.” According to the conclusion that he reached, “it makes us worry about the goal of this practice and the motive behind it,” and “honestly, we do not desire to dignify such attempts.”

On Tuesday, the first segment of the BBC’s two-part documentary series titled “India: The Modi Question” was shown. The first episode of the series took a look back at charges that Modi was unable to prevent the slaughter of thousands of Muslims in 2002. The series was about the ascent to power of India’s Hindu prime minister, and it focused on Modi’s policy regarding India’s Muslim minority.

When a Muslim mob attacked and started burning a train that was transporting Hindu pilgrims, Modi was the Chief Minister for the state of Gujarat at the time. This tragedy resulted in the deaths of 59 persons. A wave of retaliation ensued, with Hindus robbing and killing Muslims in mosques that they had previously attacked. After many weeks of unrest, there were a total of 1,044 fatalities, with about 724 of those victims belonging to the Muslim faith.

After an investigation by India’s supreme court in 2012, Modi was exonerated of any responsibility for the violence, despite the fact that he was accused of enabling it to continue. An appeal against Modi’s acquittal was turned down by the court the previous year on the grounds that the case was “devoid of merits” and that it had been brought up by the family of a dead opposition figure “for ulterior intent.”

The British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, who hails from an Indian heritage, became involved in the controversy that surrounded the BBC broadcast. Sunak responded on Wednesday to Pakistani-British MP Imran Hussain’s request to condemn “Modi’s involvement in the Gujarat massacre” by stating that he does not “agree in any way with the characterization” of Modi that Hussain put forward. Sunak said that he does not “agree in any way with the characterization” of Modi that Hussain put forward.

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