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One Million Ukrainian Refugees Living in Poland

Refugees Living in Poland

According to information provided by Bartosz Marczuk, VP of the Polish Development Agency, on Tuesday, there are currently close to one million Ukrainian refugees living in Poland. According to his estimation, Poland’s capital city of Warsaw has shelled out at least eight billion dollars to help Ukraine in 2022.

As a result of the turmoil in Ukraine, Marczuk provided a comprehensive analysis of the state of the refugee situation within Poland in a collection of tweets. His research indicates that there are currently 950,000 refugees in Poland, which is nearly 400,000 less than the highest number recorded in the summer.

According to Marczak, Poland also became home to an additional 1.2–1.3 million citizens from Ukraine who’d already migrated there before the outbreak of hostilities in late February. These individuals had gone there before the conflict began.

According to the information provided by him, there are around 2.3 million Ukrainians living in Poland now.

In the meantime, the official said, ninety percent of the refugees were women and children, and they make up just two and a half of the total population of the nation.

Refugees from Ukraine are eligible for social benefits while they are in Poland. These benefits include education allowances. According to him, whereas 65% of children of school age are registered in local institutions, just 50percent of the surveyed preschoolers were attending kindergartens. This suggests that some pupils may be taking lessons online. According to him, the Polish officials spend over 200 million Zloty (approximately $45 million) each month on these activities.

Nevertheless, Warsaw is responsible for covering additional costs as well. “Poland made considerable efforts to assist Ukraine in 2022,” he stated, adding that the country has allotted 35 billion zlotych ($7.9-9 billion) for the purpose of assisting Ukraine. This number takes into account grants from the budget, individual donations, grants from local governments, and contributions from non-governmental organizations.

However, he highlighted the fact that refugees of the working population had a “quite high employment rate,” with around 320,000 individuals holding jobs in the workforce. Marczak asserted that as a result of this, in the not-too-distant future, it would be possible for billions of zloty to be created for the budget just from taxes & contributions from the incomes of migrants.

Poland made a proposal in October that would have tightened the criteria and prevented Ukrainians from receiving financial help if they left the country for much more than a week. Additionally, the government has declared that beginning the next year, refugees who have been staying in state-run accommodation centers for more than one hundred twenty days would be required to begin paying for their food and shelter.

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