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New York Bribing School Children with $100 Payment if they get the Shot

New York Bribing School Children with $100

New York, better known as “The Big Apple” is actually giving $100 incentives to motivate young kids to get jabbed after the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommended approving the shots for youngsters between 5 and 11.

In a news conference recently, New York’s Democrat Mayor Bill de Blasio talked about the $100 payments to be granted to kids that get the jab, explaining, “We really want kids to take advantage, family members to take advantage of this.”

This massive push to immunize young kids comes in spite of knowing that kids face incredibly modest to ZERO danger created by COVID-19.

These freaks just don’t give FKN S**T about you or your children, It’s ALL about CONTROL and MONEY… “Sorry, I lost it for a second”

Add that to the countless reports of severe damaging events and even DEATH following the shots, led a number of specialists to denounce the push to inoculate young children using this still-experimental drug.

Last I looked, “COURSON was against the LAW”.

A Yale disease expert wants parents to pull every kid out of all schools, said to “educate them at home to avoid the jab mandates”

Don’t miss these articles as they are being censored by Google:

Evildoers are Getting Away with Jabbing Youngsters

Before Consenting to Immunize your Kids

Manipulation of people Around the World – How and WHO is Doing It

Doctor Cried When She learned What Was In The Jab

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