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Medicine for Survival: A Recipe for Homemade Herbal Cough Syrup

Medicine for survival

This is a simple Medicine for survival recipe that only requires a few things that you probably already have stashed away in your kitchen cupboards.

The ginger and thyme advantages to one’s health

Ginger is a plant that is used often in cooking as well as in natural medicines because of its spicy and pungent flavor.

One of the medical applications of ginger that has been validated by research is its ability to cure sore throats. There are a few different methods in which ginger might help soothe a sore throat. First of all, It is known for its ANTI, it has the potential to give some relief from pain. Additionally, ginger strengthens the immune system, which helps in the battle against infections that may lead to sore throats.

Bioactive substances, also known as phytonutrients, are present in ginger and are responsible for the many positive effects that ginger has on one’s health. Gingerols and shogaols are two significant examples of bioactive chemicals that are found in plants.

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According to research, these chemicals contain anti-inflammatory qualities that may help treat or prevent a variety of ailments.

In addition, there is evidence that ginger has antibacterial characteristics, which indicate that it may be useful in the battle against bacterial and viral infections.

Additionally, ginger has antioxidants. that are known to be beneficial in warding off several ailments. According to the findings of the researchers, the antioxidative advantages of fresh ginger were greater than those of dried ginger.

Thyme is a kind of herb that belongs to the mint family. Another popular herb, this one is employed in the preparation of a wide variety of savory meals.

The leaves of this multipurpose plant are used to extract the thyme essential oil that the plant produces. The oil is frequently used as a cough treatment in its natural form.

Researchers found that a mixture of thyme & ivy leaves reduced the severity of coughing or other symptoms associated with acute bronchitis. The study was conducted in 2006 in the United States.

In a separate investigation carried out in 2018, researchers found that an extract mixture including both thyme and primula was able to lower the amount of inflammation or mucus during an animal study.

Recipe for making your own cough syrup at home

This calming cough syrup may be made at home if you gather the items from the list and then proceed to follow the directions.

If we want to be prepared for winter illnesses like the flu and colds, start making this batch as soon as possible. Before moving on to the subsequent procedures, the combination is required to sit dormant for a period of six weeks. (This article is related to five effective cough cures that you may prepare at home.)

When creating the cough syrup, be careful to measure each component. After you have placed the ginger & thyme in the jar, you may next pour liquid into the jar.


Vodka or another kind of clear alcohol Fresh ginger and thyme, either fresh or dried Vodka or another type of clear alcohol Preparation:

Either pack a large jar to the brim with clean, fresh thyme or fill it up about halfway with dried thyme. Either purchase thyme that has been dried or dried herbs at home with the help of a dehydrator.

Take a bite-sized chunk of fresh ginger. First, cut the ginger into pieces, and then, using the flat side of the knife, mash the ginger so that more of its juices are released. Ginger should be put into the container. Fill the jar up with vodka or any other clear alcohol of your choosing. You may use either inexpensive vodka or alcohol made from organic ingredients.

After replacing the cap on the jar, place it on the counter in a separate location. Be sure to give the jar a good shake every single day for the following thirty days.

Make a note on your calendar to remind you when you began the batches and when the allotted time period of six weeks has passed. Be aware that the fluid will acquire a brownish tinge after a period of time has passed.

This is very normal, therefore there is no need to discard the syrup.

Putting the finishing touches on the homemade cough syrup prepared with ginger, honey, and thyme
When a period of six weeks has elapsed, it is time to use up a whole lot of cough syrup.


The completed product, included ginger, thyme, and vodka.
Honey (If you want the greatest effects, use raw honey.)
a further quantity of thyme Preparation:

The mixture of ginger, thyme, and vodka should be strained. You may use a screen sieve that has been cleaned, and a flour sack towel folded inside of it. First, the sieve should be placed inside a big bowl or a cooking pot, and then the mixture should be gently poured into the sieve. While the honey is being prepared, you may let the mixture drain.
Fill the top containers with pure honey and then place them in the double boiler. Use about a 3:1 alcohol-to-honey proportion. Make the syrup sufficiently sweet so that everyone in your family can comfortably take it. You will need to use a sufficient amount of honey to ease the discomfort in your throat while you swallow.
Add dried or fresh thyme to the nectar. Make use of whatever quantity you already have available. You will need one or two bundles of fresh thyme, which can be found in the produce area of the grocery store if you plan on purchasing thyme.
The mixture should be brought to a simmer in the double boiler, but it should not be allowed to boil at any point. Maintain a heat level that is low enough to allow the syrup to simmer for a minimum of two hours.
Just after the syrup has boiled, you must have well-drained liquor in the second pot. To extract every last drop of thyme-ginger syrup from the flour sack towel, give it a good squeeze.
When the honey has reached the liquid state, strain it through a fine-mesh sieve to remove the larger bits of thyme. You don’t want to use the towel made of flour sack because you want to allow as much honey as possible to be absorbed by the alcohol mixture.
To thoroughly incorporate the honey and alcohol, stir them together.
Remove the sediment from the syrup, transfer it to bottles, and drink it as required. To shield the contents from light, store them in bottles made of amber glass.
How to take the cough syrup including ginger, honey, and thyme
There are a few different ways that ginger, honey, plus thyme cough syrup may be consumed. If someone has a cough, you can either give it to them by the spoonful as over-the-counter cough medicine or you may add it to boiling water to produce a calming tea.

Due to the presence of liquor, nectar should not be given to youngsters. Please take note of this.

A cough syrup mixed with ginger, honey, plus thyme may help relieve the symptoms of a cough or the flu.

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