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Manipulation of people Around the World – How and WHO is Doing It

and WHO is Doing the manipulation

Chris Wick exposes the degree of manipulation of people around the world to persuade them to give up their constitutional rights and civil Liberty.

The people around the world have truly been lied to by the abuse and misuse of data … GREATEST abuse of power in human history.

The United States and Canada have been literally thru wave after wave, and so have Britain, and Europe – cholera, spotted fever, smallpox, SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE, terrible disasters without having or needing to strip folks of any constitutional freedoms … Absolutely nothing in our past history suggests people need to or MUST lockdown simply because there is an illness.

Therefore ask yourself, Is this REALLY about HEALTH? or?

The other thing I wish to say is that I’ve looked very closely at the technique or method of coercion the mainstream multimedia use and even misuses …

It’s alarming, dependence on individuals’ innumeracy and provocative mind games of the human population.

Keep in mind that inside these kinds of Covid databases… ANYONE can easily set “Numbers or Cases, death counts” in any way they want, and NOT a single person outside those Organizations controlling that data is permitted to view the configuration, NO-ONE, leaving the information COMPLETELY UNverifiable.

Have a look at this video clip below exposing the actual fraudulence perpetrated on the people by Large institutions such as the CDC, WHO, and NIH, yes, no other than Doctor Fauci himself.

Here are some articles that you might have missed:

Hospitals In Canada Denying Organ Recipients Treatment If NOT Jabbed


Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Confessed it used Mannequin

Maggots of the First Order

Finally, evidence that points directly to the fraud the CDC has committed on the people… Here is how they did it …

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7 thoughts on “Manipulation of people Around the World – How and WHO is Doing It

  1. I saw this from lockdown no1.
    We now live in a home created recession due to unnecessary locking down.
    Statistics can and have been manipulated. I believe the individuals behind this scamdemic need rounding up and executing.

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