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Doctor Cried When She learned What Was In The Jab

A Doctor identified as Carrie Madej looked at the Moderna, Pfizer, and even the J&J ingredients using a microscopic lens, and cried after she verified using a second bach what she found in the first.

After looking at a number of COVID vials using a microscopic lense, this Doctor is sounding the alarm after she found unusual, unknown materials inside the jabs, including things like metal particles, “graphene-like” structures inside every vial, and even a tentacled shifting organism-like creature inside the Moderna shot.

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Doctor Carrie Madej, mentioned she has already analyzed the amplified materials connected with the Moderna, Pfizer, along with Johnson & Johnson, found it all “extremely distressing” to find things in every single jab where the makers have not been upfront about – so disturbing that she actually shed tears immediately after verifying the 2nd collection of shots confirming what was viewed or found in the primary or first tests.

She described all of this on the Stew Peters podcast (The link to that podcast is at the bottom ) where she was asked by a Georgia laboratory to analyze using a microscopic lens the components of a “new” Moderna bottle, that she confirmed was unaltered prior to being put on a slide then underneath a microscope. “Absolutely nothing was included or added to that side of the solution, nothing was watered down,” she explained.


” To begin with, it appeared quite transparent. Then afterward as time moved forward more than 2 hrs, different colors showed up. I have never seen anything like this. There has not been any chemical counteraction occurring. It was dazzling light-blue, and royal purple, yellowish, and in some cases green,” she mentioned.

This Doctor said that she talked to a few nanotech technologists/experts asking them where these developing radiant different colors could originate from?, the technologists claimed the “only thing they knew that might do this” was literally a white-colored light, gradually, triggering a response on “a super-conducting substance.” In this particular instance, Madej mentioned, white-colored lighting originated from the microscopic lens itself, nothing else.

She explained that a good example of a superconducting compound might be “an injectable computing device.”

Madej continued, “These fibers were showing up a lot more. A number of the fibers featured a small cube design on them. Along with metal type pieces or fragments were found inside. They were NOT any metal particles I’m used to finding. They were really unique. They were generally quite opaque.”

Over time, Madej claimed, “every one of the particles and different colors began relocating to the edge” of the slide. “There was actually self-assembling taking place, things were actually cultivating. They appeared synthetic.”

This expert also detected another thing rather unusual: “There was 1 specific substance or perhaps organism, I’m not exactly sure what to refer to it as that featured feelers originating from it. It had the ability to raise itself up away from the glass slide. That it seemed self-aware, or maybe be capable of growing or moving in space.”

She found it really troubling, however, she thought, “Perhaps that was literally a fluke, perhaps that was just that 1 bottle.”

Sometime later on, the very same laboratory acquired extra bottles out of a different bundle of Moderna, in addition to a J&J bottle. Madej was even MORE troubled to see the exact same things she noted in the very first bottle.

I can go On and On, but let us go directly to that Video clip at Rumble … as they say, “A picture paints a thousand words”, right?

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