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Communicating Their Political Goals

Political Goals

If there is one thing that can be said about Democrats, it is that they are quite open about communicating their political goals.

We’ve seen fuel and gas costs spike ever since Biden canceled the pipeline project, put government land off-limits for drilling for oil, as well as canceling oil lease agreements, all in favor of a ‘green’ electrical vehicles thrust/push which the vast majority of Americans had also rejected. For example, a couple of years ago, when then-Democratic vice president Biden tanked the fossil fuels industry, he meant it.

Now, Democrats are telling us all over again just how terrified they are of the prospect of Donald Trump being re-elected as president in 2024: According to Breitbart News, the hyper-partisan January 6th Committee announced Monday that they’d recommend 4 criminal charges for him in connection with the false flag attack on the Capitol Building.

One of the charges, should he be convicted of it, would prevent him from ever again running for a federal elected office, are you getting the picture now?

Even though it lacks the constitutional jurisdiction to do so, the Democrats’ January 6th Panel will put an end to its “investigation” on Monday by requesting that the Department of Justice or the (DOJ) prosecute ex-President Donald Trump for obstruction of justice.

Because the separation of powers in the Constitution assigns the responsibility of law enforcement to the executive branch, the formation of congressional investigations must be done with the intention of passing legislation rather than as part of an effort to execute the law.

In spite of this, the Jan 6th Committee is scheduled to urge the Department of Justice to bring additional criminal charges against Trump in what is anticipated to be the committee’s last move before a House controlled by Republicans takes over the following month.

“The panel’s suggested accusations include interference of an official procedure, conspiracy to defraud America, conspiracy to fabricate a false statement, and ‘inciting,’ “aiding,” or “assisting” an uprising,” according to the Daily Mail in the United Kingdom.

U.s. representative Jaimie Raskin of Maryland, one of the most partisan members of the committee, noted that if Trump is found guilty of the final charge, it is “automatic grounds for his disqualification of ever holding a public position again, at the state or federal level.” Raskin made this statement in reference to the possibility that Trump could be barred from ever serving in government again.

According to the Constitution, the President is charged with the responsibility of taking the necessary steps to ensure that the laws are faithfully carried out.

“There is nothing that could be a bigger treachery than to aid in an insurrection against constitutional government,” Raskin said, despite the fact that he is literally sitting on a panel that does not have the constitutional authority to suggest anything at all to the Justice Department.

“The potentially catastrophic attack on the constitutional democracy of the United States of America that occurred on January 6th, 2021, is comprised of hundreds of individual acts of criminality. He went on and on about how the Justice Department was already prosecuting the majority of these types of offenses.

“‘Ours is not a justice system where foot soldiers go to prison as well as the kingpins or ringleaders get a free pass,” he further claimed, which of course is 1000 % not true: Masterminds don’t ever go to jail in the United States, except if, of course, they are Republican politicians. Foot soldiers are the ones who are sent to jail in our system, not the masterminds and ringleaders.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyoming), who is opposed to Donald Trump, said at the beginning of the hearing that “the assurance of the peaceful transition of power lies at the core of our republic.” “With the exception of one president in our history, every president has accepted this peaceful transition of responsibility.”

It is not true that President Trump ordered anybody to assault the Capitol Building nor prevent Congress from recognizing the election results. He never made such a request. In point of fact, he instructed his followers to protest “peacefully” by marching to the building & doing so at a speech that he gave previously to a false flag protest.

Harriet Hageman, a candidate favored by Trump who ran against Cheney in the August primary and won, will be sworn into office to replace Cheney in the seat she previously held in a few weeks.

Because Democrats are aware that they cannot win an honest election against Donald Trump, the whole January 6th committee was an elaborate hoax devised from the beginning to stop him from running for office again.

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