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Can a Thirst for Unity Quench the World’s Problems? Is Water the Key?

In a world riddled with challenges, the World Economic Forum has shifted its focus to the global water crisis, but can water truly be the key to solving humanity’s problems? Is this a thirst for unity we’ve been waiting for? More on this below. Keep Reading.

In recent years, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has been at the forefront of discussions aimed at establishing a world government, but its endeavors have been fraught with repeated failures. However, a shift in focus towards the looming water crisis has emerged as a promising avenue to finally achieve their objectives. In this article, we delve into how the WEF, led by “agenda contributor” Professor Mariana Mazzucato, is betting on the global water crisis as a catalyst for their goals.

The WEF’s New Approach: In a remarkable revelation during a WEF meeting in Davos last year, Professor Mariana Mazzucato emphasized the importance of the water crisis as a potential game-changer. She acknowledged that climate change and the pursuit of COVID-19 vaccines had fallen short in advancing their mission. In contrast, she believed that a water crisis could succeed where previous approaches had failed.

Redefining the Economics of Water: During a specific session on the “economics of water,” Professor Mazzucato articulated the need to highlight water as a global commons, fostering collaboration from a dual perspective – global common interest and self-interest. She underscored that tackling water-related challenges was imperative, given the inability to resolve issues with similar attributes thus far. Water, she pointed out, is a topic that resonates with people across the globe.

Making Climate Change Accessible: In the same discourse, Professor Mazzucato also highlighted a significant challenge regarding climate change – its abstract nature. She acknowledged that while some individuals comprehend climate change thoroughly, many find it challenging to grasp. In contrast, water is a universal concept, easily understood even by children. The significance of water, especially its role in basic human needs, is something that transcends language barriers and age groups.

Promoting Citizen Engagement: Professor Mazzucato stressed the importance of cultivating “citizen engagement” concerning water-related issues. She proposed experimenting with the notion of the common good to garner support and enthusiasm for addressing the global water crisis. Furthermore, she alluded to the WEF’s unwavering commitment to their climate change and COVID-19 vaccine agendas, despite previous setbacks.

A Common Goal: At the same meeting, the WEF identified the critical role of safe, clean water in maintaining human health and driving economic growth. They launched the Global Commission on the Economics of Water, reflecting their intention to reshape how water resources are managed for the rest of the century.

The Missing Piece in Policies: Johan Rockstrom, the Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, emphasized the pivotal role of water in addressing the ongoing food crisis and climate change. He contended that water, often overlooked in policy discussions, is the missing piece of the puzzle. Many food security crises are intrinsically linked to water scarcity, which, in turn, is closely connected to climate change and rainfall patterns. He called for a comprehensive, systems-based approach to manage the economics of water as a pressing common goal.

Conclusion: The World Economic Forum has embarked on a new journey, emphasizing the global water crisis as a unifying force to achieve its long-standing objectives. This shift in focus, driven by the recognition of water’s universal importance and accessibility, may offer a unique opportunity for world cooperation. By redefining the economics of water and addressing its challenges, the WEF aims to chart a path toward a sustainable and united future, hoping to learn from past endeavors and build a better world for all.

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