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Boris Johnson is planning his return

It has been claimed that the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, is planning his return to the office at 10 Downing Street. Johnson is apparently searching for a replacement for Liz Truss, who quit only 45 days after being his successor.

According to stories published Thursday by the London Times and other media sites, a number of politicians affiliated with the Conservative Party (Tories) have already proposed that Johnson be reinstated to his position as prime minister. Johnson, who is on holiday in the Dominican Republic, has been reportedly debating whether or not to continue with the remainder of his trip as scheduled or “fly back and rejoin the political fray,” according to the Times, which cited unnamed sources. Johnson is currently considering both options.

Truss, who had served as the UK’s hardline foreign minister in the administration that was headed by Johnson, resigned last Thursday after the financial markets were roiled by her taxes and economic measures, which resulted in a precipitous decline in the value of the British pound. She broke a record that had been maintained by G. Canning, who had been in office for just 119 days when he passed away and was the previous holder of the record for the shortest-serving Prime Minister in UK history.

Following Johnson’s departure in July, the process of choosing a new leader for the Conservative Party was originally estimated to take two months. However, the Tories want to complete the selection of their new ruler by end of the next week. The opposing Labour Party has demanded that there be general elections held as soon as possible. The most recent general election in the United Kingdom took place in 2019 when B. Johnson was elected as Prime Minister. Because the Conservative Party has a majority in the Commons, they have the ability to push out the date of the next leadership contest to as far as Jan 2025.

It is possible that the process of selecting a new leader for the Conservative Party may be finished as early as Monday. According to reports, the Tories want to only examine candidates who have been nominated for the position by min100 parliamentary members. This indicates that there will be no more than three applicants for the position. If by Monday there is just one candidate who has received the necessary number of nominations, then that person will automatically take the position of Prime Minister.

Johnson quit under pressure after a slew of scandals, one of which was the Partygate debacle, wherein his office hosted alcohol-fueled gatherings at Parliament Street and Whitehall amid statewide Covid-19 shutdowns in 2020 through 2021. Johnson’s resignation came after the Partygate debacle. But, even at the time that he decided to leave aside, Johnson was already considering another run for prime minister in the anticipation that his replacement would be a “disaster,” according to an article that appeared in the Sunday Times in July.

The incoming prime minister will take over an economy that is contracting, an inflation rate that is at its highest level in forty years, and widespread popular disapproval of the Conservative Party. A successor to Truss will also assume the helm in the midst of an energy revolution that has been made worse as a result of the United Kingdom’s backing for Kiev by war between Russia and Ukraine.

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