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Are Societal Shifts or Housing Costs to Blame for Canada’s Plummeting Birth Rates?

In a world where demographics are shifting, Canada finds itself facing a significant challenge: declining birth rates. Is this decline a result of societal shifts that prioritize careers over parenthood, as suggested by psychologist Jordan Peterson, or is it primarily due to the soaring housing costs? In this exploration of Canada’s birth rate dilemma, we dissect the factors contributing to this complex issue. More on this below. Keep reading.

Canada’s declining birth rates have sparked significant discussions and debates in recent times. While some attribute the phenomenon to high housing prices, prominent psychologist Jordan Peterson offers a different perspective. In this article, we will delve into the factors affecting Canada’s birth rates and examine why Peterson believes that it is the demonization of family and children, rather than housing costs, that plays a pivotal role.

The Shift in Perspective

Peterson’s viewpoint challenges the conventional narrative that links declining birth rates solely to financial concerns. He argues that Canadian society has gradually devalued parenthood in favor of a relentless pursuit of careers. To gain a deeper understanding of this perspective, we will explore the evolving societal dynamics over the past few decades.

Societal Shifts and Careerism

Over the last 60 years, Canadian society has witnessed a significant shift towards prioritizing career over family. This transition has, according to Peterson, led to the demonization of motherhood and fatherhood as an alternative to what he terms “idiot careerism.” The implication is that individuals are increasingly choosing careers over parenthood due to societal pressures and values.

Economic Factors and Inflation

While Peterson’s argument emphasizes societal shifts, it’s essential to acknowledge the role of economic factors in this discussion. Under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s leadership, Canada has experienced a notable increase in inflation, driven primarily by excessive COVID money printing. Escalating inflation can indeed pose financial challenges for families, making it a contributing factor to the declining birth rates.

The Impact of Housing Costs

The National Post opinion piece suggests that the skyrocketing cost of housing may also be a significant contributor to declining birth rates. Statistics Canada data indicates that Canadians are increasingly hesitant to start families due to housing affordability concerns. Rising house prices, driven by market supply shortages and speculative buying, have created an environment where many potential parents feel financially strained.

The Statistics: A Grim Picture

Statistics Canada’s data paints a grim picture of Canada’s birth rates. The overall rate in 2022 stood at 1.33 children per female, a decline from 1.51 in 2018. This decline is evident in the total number of babies born in 2022, which hit a low not seen since 2005, despite Canada’s population growth.

Government Response: Immigration Over Family Promotion

Canada falls significantly below the generational replacement level of 2.1 children per woman, prompting the government to consider mass immigration as a means to bolster the population. This approach raises questions about whether Canada is prioritizing immigration over encouraging families to have more children.

Global Trends and Fertility Rates

Canada is not alone in facing declining fertility rates. Global fertility rates have been on the decline, with data from the United Nations showing a global decrease in lifetime fertility from 3.2 to 2.5 live births per woman from 1990 to 2019. This trend has led to concerns about future population sustainability.

Peterson’s Critique of Global Organizations

Jordan Peterson has been critical of global organizations like the United Nations and the World Economic Forum, which advocate for population control. He views these organizations as proponents of a world population control agenda, a perspective that has garnered significant attention.

Alternative Solutions: Hungary’s Approach

Hungarian President Katalin Novák has advocated for large families as a means to combat low birth rates. In Hungary, a 12-point plan for families includes promoting traditional gender roles, emphasizing parental rights, and supporting homeownership. Novák’s approach stands in contrast to global trends.

Elon Musk’s Perspective

Tech billionaire Elon Musk has also weighed in on the issue, attributing low fertility rates worldwide to abortion and birth control. His perspective challenges prevailing narratives about the reasons behind declining birth rates.

Personal Experiences and a Different Perspective

While globalist groups advocate for smaller families and population control, some individuals, like LifeSiteNews co-founder Steve Jalsevac, have had transformative experiences with parenthood. Jalsevac’s journey from being initially hesitant to embrace a larger family sheds light on the personal and societal aspects of this complex issue.


The debate surrounding Canada’s declining birth rates encompasses a range of factors, from societal shifts and economic challenges to global trends and individual perspectives. Jordan Peterson’s critique of the demonization of family and children offers a thought-provoking alternative viewpoint. As Canada grapples with this issue, it is essential to consider the multifaceted nature of the problem and explore comprehensive solutions that address both societal and economic concerns.

Hot Take: As Canada seeks to address its birth rate challenge, perhaps the real solution lies in striking a balance between career aspirations and family values. After all, a baby’s first words should never be “mortgage” or “promotion”!

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