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The Lone Star Standoff: Gov. Abbott Unyielding in Face of Migrant Crisis

In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Texas Governor Greg Abbott exhibited unwavering determination, declaring his commitment to fortifying the state’s borders amidst the ongoing immigration challenges. As the Biden Administration grapples with its policies, Abbott stands firm, ready to take unprecedented measures to protect Texas.

Standing Tall Against Illegal Entry
Abbott assured Carlson that Texas is actively working to intensify border barriers and prevent illegal entry, asserting, “Our head is down; we are working regardless of what the Biden Administration is doing.” This resolute stance is echoed in Abbott’s readiness to confront any attempt by the federal government to assume control of the Texas National Guard.

Vigilance at the Border
Addressing concerns about potential federal intervention, Abbott dismissed it as a “boneheaded move” and expressed preparedness for such an unlikely scenario. He revealed that armed state employees, including the Texas Department of Public Safety and National Guard from other states, are currently stationed along the border. Abbott emphasized that more reinforcements are on the way, emphasizing collaboration with other states in this effort.

The Soft Invasion: A Letter of Warning
In a surprising turn of events, ten retired FBI officials and counterintelligence experts penned a letter to Congressional leaders, sounding the alarm on what they termed a “soft invasion” facilitated by the Biden administration’s policies. The letter, dated January 17, suggested a potential terrorist threat from military-age men entering the U.S. from terror-linked areas worldwide.

The Call for Congressional Action
The letter highlighted the unprecedented nature of the situation, with military-age men entering the country by foot, exploiting the perceived vulnerability of the largely unprotected border. It warned of the unknown intentions and allegiances of these individuals, urging Congress to act swiftly to secure the border and identify and remove those who have entered illegally.

The Texas Resistance Gains Momentum
Governor Abbott’s recent declaration invoking Texas’ right to self-defense, framing the migrant crisis as an ‘invasion,’ has garnered support from a coalition of 25 Republican governors. This united front reflects a growing sentiment among red states, with Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton boldly declaring “COME AND TAKE IT.”

The Security Crisis: A Plea for Swift Action
The letter from former FBI officials, including prominent figures like Kevin Brock and Mark Morgan, underscores the urgency of addressing the security crisis. It calls for immediate Congressional action to safeguard the nation against uninvited foreign actors, emphasizing the need to identify and remove those already present without delay.

In conclusion, Governor Abbott’s unwavering commitment to border security and the growing support from fellow Republican leaders signal a turning point in the ongoing immigration debate. As the Lone Star State takes a stand, the nation watches to see how this saga unfolds and whether it sparks broader changes in border policies across the United States.

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