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The CDC Study Reveals Waning COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness: Should You Consider a Booster Shot?

Discover the findings of a CDC study on COVID-19 vaccine booster doses and their impact on hospitalization. Learn about the waning effectiveness of vaccines over time and the reasons behind the low uptake of booster shots.

FEAR MONGERING CDC says adults have “little remaining protection” against COVID-19 hospitalizations without mRNA BOOSTERS.

A recent study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has shed light on the importance of COVID-19 vaccine booster doses in preventing hospitalization. The study, which analyzed over 85,000 hospitalizations across multiple states, focused on bivalent vaccines designed to address both the original SARS-CoV-2 strain and its more infectious variants, such as the B11529 omicron variant. While the study suggests that boosters offer durable protection against severe COVID-19 outcomes, it also highlights the waning effectiveness of vaccines over time.

The Impact of Boosters on Hospitalization Risk

The CDC study revealed that individuals who have received COVID-19 vaccine booster doses have significantly lower risks of hospitalization. Boosted individuals without immuno-compromising conditions had a 62 percent lower risk of hospitalization if they contracted COVID-19 within two months of their booster shot. This highlights the critical role that boosters play in providing enhanced protection against severe illness.

Waning Vaccine Effectiveness

Contrary to initial expectations, the CDC study also suggests that vaccine effectiveness decreases significantly over time. Dr. Shana Johnson, a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician, analyzed the study and found that vaccine effectiveness drops to 62 percent at two months after vaccination. After four to six months, the effectiveness further declines to just 24 percent. These findings emphasize the need for booster shots to maintain optimal protection against COVID-19.

The Challenge of Low Booster Uptake

Despite the CDC’s recommendation for regular boosters, only 20.5 percent of American adults have received bivalent mRNA COVID-19 boosters as of May 10, 2023. This low uptake can be attributed to various factors.

Vaccine Skepticism and Breakthrough Infections

According to polling by the Kaiser Family Foundation, approximately 19 percent of vaccinated Americans do not plan to receive a COVID-19 booster. Some individuals doubt the effectiveness of boosters due to breakthrough infections among vaccinated people. Additionally, 22 percent of vaccinated Americans believe they are not at risk from COVID-19, leading them to decline booster shots.

Confusion and Distrust

Dylan Scott, writing for Vox, highlights several factors contributing to the confusion surrounding booster guidelines. This confusion, combined with a general distrust of public health authorities, has hindered the uptake of boosters. Public health authorities’ failure to communicate directly and honestly with the public from the beginning of the pandemic has eroded trust and created skepticism.

Making Informed Decisions

In light of the CDC study and the challenges surrounding booster uptake, individuals must make informed decisions regarding their vaccination status.

Subheading: Consulting Healthcare Professionals

To navigate the complexities of COVID-19 vaccinations and booster shots, it is advisable to consult healthcare professionals. They can provide personalized guidance based on individual health conditions and risk factors.

Trustworthy Sources of Information

Seeking information from reliable sources, such as the CDC and other reputable health organizations, is crucial. Accessing accurate and up-to-date information can help individuals understand the importance of boosters and make informed choices.


The CDC study on COVID-19 vaccine booster doses underscores the vital role boosters play in reducing the risk of hospitalization. The findings also highlight the waning effectiveness of vaccines over time, emphasizing the need for timely booster shots. However, challenges related to vaccine skepticism, breakthrough infections, confusion, and distrust have led to low uptake of boosters. To make informed decisions, individuals should consult healthcare professionals and rely on trustworthy sources of information. By staying informed and taking appropriate action, we can collectively protect ourselves and others from the severe outcomes of COVID-19.

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