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Is Julian Assange the Real-Life Superhero We Need?

Julian Assange, a prominent journalist, and whistleblower, celebrates his 52nd birthday today, marking his fifth consecutive year behind bars in the high-security prison of Belmarsh, U.K. His groundbreaking publication, Wikileaks, brought to light numerous war crimes committed in the name of justice but concealed from public knowledge. However, instead of being hailed as a champion of truth, Assange now faces extradition to the United States, where he confronts 18 criminal charges related to the release of classified cables on Wikileaks. In this article, we delve into the truths he exposed and the challenges he confronts in his relentless pursuit of transparency and press freedom.

Unveiling Hidden Realities: Julian Assange, through his revelations on Wikileaks, shed light on various concealed issues that the powerful entities of the world would prefer to remain hidden. Some of the noteworthy disclosures include:

  1. France’s Hidden Agenda: Assange exposed how former French President Nicolas Sarkozy sought the destruction of Libya to gain control over its oil reserves and thwart a proposed “Gold dinar” plan for Africa, which aimed to introduce an African currency, thereby replacing the Euro and dollar-based debt.
  2. Unmasking U.S. and NATO War Crimes: Assange’s publications also revealed the extent of war crimes committed by the United States and NATO forces during various military engagements.
  3. Exposing Political Corruption: The corruption prevalent within the U.S. political system was another focal point of Assange’s leaks, which aimed to bring accountability to those in power.
  4. Unveiling Massive CIA Surveillance: One of the significant revelations by Assange was the extensive surveillance activities conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), exposing the invasive nature of intelligence gathering.

The Battle for Truth: Assange faces extradition to the United States, where he could potentially receive a prison sentence of up to 175 years under the U.S. Espionage Act. The primary reason behind this legal battle is his disclosure of classified information that the deep state would rather keep concealed. Interestingly, the accusation of “endangering lives” with his leaks, repeatedly leveled against Assange, lacks substantial evidence, as highlighted by the BBC’s investigation in 2010. Daniel Ellsberg, the brave whistleblower who revealed the Pentagon Papers, argued that it is the silence and lies maintained by those in power that truly cost lives.

Investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald, who himself faced baseless accusations, dismissed the claims that Assange’s revelations put lives at risk. In an interview with Canada’s CBC News, Greenwald challenged anyone to provide a single instance where harm resulted from the publication of Assange’s leaks. Such accusations of harm without evidence have become routine for the U.S. government whenever individuals expose their misconduct.

False Accusations and Unjust Imprisonment: Julian Assange sought refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in 2012, remaining there for seven years. He faced rape charges in Sweden, which he maintained were politically motivated. Although the charges were eventually dropped, he was arrested upon leaving the embassy on the grounds of skipping bail. Consequently, Assange spent 50 days in prison without being charged with a crime. To date, he has endured a total of five years in a maximum-security prison without a fair trial or legitimate reasons for his continued detention.

Support from Unexpected Sources: Recently, Assange’s wife, Stella, and their son had a private audience with the Holy Father at the Vatican, highlighting the growing recognition of his plight and the importance of defending the rule of law and democratic freedoms. Assange’s case serves as a crucial reminder that the future of journalism in the free world is at stake.

Urgent Call for Action: The treatment of Julian Assange is nothing short of appalling, and the consequences of his extradition to the United States extend beyond his personal fate. CNN’s report on June 9 revealed that Assange has been denied the right to appeal the extradition order. Reporters Without Borders, an international organization for journalists, emphasized that the judge’s decision carries significant implications for the freedom of information worldwide.

Rebecca Vincent, the Director of Campaigns at Reporters Without Borders, expressed her concern about the impact on journalism and press freedom, emphasizing the need to protect Assange and halt the relentless persecution against him. The call to President Biden to drop the charges against Assange and secure his release has become even more critical. The U.K. court’s decision has now placed the responsibility for Assange’s future in Biden’s hands, raising questions of hypocrisy as he previously campaigned as a champion of a free press.

Conclusion: Julian Assange’s relentless pursuit of truth through Wikileaks has resulted in his prolonged incarceration and imminent extradition to the United States. The revelations he brought to light have exposed war crimes, political corruption, and surveillance activities, making him a pivotal figure in the battle for press freedom. The world must recognize the significance of his case and rally behind efforts to protect journalism and ensure the truth prevails over silence and deception. The fate of Julian Assange is inextricably linked to the future of journalism in the free world.

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