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Carrie Johnson, Boris Johnson’s Wife, Embraces the Occult: Unveiling the Secrets of Satanic Worship

Carrie Johnson, the wife of former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, has been accused of participating in Satanic rituals inspired by Aleister Crowley, a self-proclaimed mystic known for his controversial beliefs and practices. Images have emerged of Mrs. Johnson allegedly engaging in ritualistic acts symbolic of Crowley’s teachings, raising questions about the depth of her involvement in the occult.

Moderna’s mRNA Madness: Cancer Vaccine Trials Unleash Genetic Circus in the UK!

Step right up to witness the jaw-dropping genetic escapade that is Moderna’s mRNA cancer vaccine trials in the UK. In this satirical exposé, we unravel the biotechnological circus that has left the scientific community and patients alike on the edge of their seats. Are we on the brink of a groundbreaking cancer treatment, or have we stumbled into a genetic sideshow? The answer may surprise you.