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A woman was hurt by a Shot made by Johnson & Johnson

A woman who was hurt by a shot made by Johnson & Johnson said that she had “never seen such hatefulness.”

Sheila Bath claims that when she was harmed by the Johnson & Johnson vaccination, physicians yelled at her and said she was “crazy” for believing the vaccine-induced her injuries. They also called her a liar, according to SheiSheila Bath, a chef & life coach from Connecticut who is in her 60s, had her initial suspicion that the single-dose (J&J) vaccination had caused her to be wounded on April 11, 2021, which was precisely 14 days after she had received the vaccine. She was from Connecticut.

Bath said that the first symptoms she had were numbness in her feet and a burning feeling that ran from her legs up to her spine. The duration of the symptoms was around two months.

“The pain in my legs was shooting up from my ankles all the way to the bottom of my spine from both sides. Bath described the situation as “flaming, blazing, burning.” “I couldn’t feel my feet. It was destroying the nerves in my legs as well as the nerves in my spine.

She stated that in addition to this, she experienced “terrible bruising” on her extremities, dry throat, rapidly deteriorating vision, the inability to walk, pustules on her organs, gallstones in her abdomen, calf spasms, muscle spasms, depressed mood, brain fog, and a weight gain of 20 pounds due to the retention of water.

Beth described these manifestations as “classic signs” of Guillain-Barré syndrome.

Bath had a hunch that the vaccination was to blame for the symptoms, but at first, the physicians were hesitant to agree with her.

“I didn’t know what Guillain-Barré was, but it’s a pretty well-known illness that you need to go quickly to the hospital if you suspect that you have it. In addition, [my neurologist] had the option of sending me straight to the hospital. The neurologist failed to follow proper procedure by admitting me to the hospital when they might have successfully treated my condition.

She said, “Three times I actually went to him, and each time he sent me home, assuring me, ‘There’s nothing wrong with you.'” You’ve developed neuropathy because you’re older.”

When Bath went to see her doctor, she said that the only thing that might have prevented her from becoming sick was being vaccinated two and a half weeks earlier. She said that it was almost as if he forced her to leave the workplace. “And then I phoned back for the third time,” she said. I told you that my legs were still on fire… are you able to assist me? They flatly refused to meet with me.”

After then, things got much worse.

After receiving the J&J vaccination for more than a year, Bath started to suffer new symptoms, notably partial intestinal paralysis. She said that this “shows the spike protein [is] still alive, inflicting harm,” despite the fact that “we were told it was meant to be a deadly virus.”

The fact that Bath had a past of autoimmune illness led the doctors to conclude that the newly developed symptoms were caused by Crohn’s disease, which is an inflammatory bowel ailment.

However, she was not in agreement with that diagnosis:

“Honey, I had Crohn’s when nobody knew Crohn’s, and I had to battle my way through that over thirteen years,” I felt like telling her. “I had to make my way through that,” I said that it is not Crohn’s disease… That is the paralysis that comes from being shot.

Bath said that the physicians “chided and shouted at” her for even hinting that her health problems may be due to the immunization. Her account suggests that it was not till she went to see a naturopath doctor that she, at last, got treatment, attention, and a definitive diagnosis.

In her words:

“I stepped in, and after taking a single glance at me, he exclaimed, ‘I know what you have.'” The very first time I met him, he told me that I had paralysis in both my legs and my spine. Have you received the [Johnson & Johnson vaccination], or did you get some other kind?’

He responded by saying, “I have an antidote for that; it’s a homeopathic remedy for peristalsis.” And sure enough, that was successful. Now, did you get the desired results? No. However, what this did do was save my life.

As per Bath, when she told her cardiologist the good news about the successful treatment, “She began shouting at me, this wonderful, sweet lady who isn’t even related to the vaccination.” Bath’s cardiologist was not involved in the development of the vaccine.

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