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WHO Warns of Imminent Biological Attack as Rebel Fighters Seize Virus Samples in Sudan

Concerns have been raised that a new pandemic may be on the horizon as a result of a warning that has been given by the World Health Organization (WHO) on an imminent biological attack that will use a deadly virus.

According to the (WHO), rebels in Sudan have taken possession of a bio-lab that contains several samples of hazardous viruses. Since April 15th, the battle between the rebel forces and the Sudanese military has been heating up, and the (WHO) has deemed the situation to be “extremely serious” and a “huge biological risk” to man-kind now that the virus samples are in the possession of the rebel group.

The anti-government rebels are said to have taken over a public laboratory in Khartoum, the nation’s capital city, which holds viruses such as polio and measles, according to The representative of Sudan for the WHO, Nima Saeed Abid, voiced worry about the availability of lab technicians to securely manage the biological material and chemicals that are there.

A recent episode on Fox News featured former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who claimed that the World Health Organization had failed to safeguard high-security labs throughout the world. The presence of potentially hazardous labs in Sudan has been called into question by a significant number of internet users, who have drawn parallels between them and the infamous bio-labs in Ukraine that were supported by the United States and had connections to former Vice President Hunter Biden, which Russia touted as a primary justification for its invasion of the European nation. It is important to remember that the United States government had ties to the Wuhan laboratory that was responsible for the release of covid-19.

In light of this, a number of nations have been persistently petitioning the United Nations to conduct an investigation into the extensive network of bio-labs across the world that are supported by the United States. It is of the utmost importance to take the required safeguards in order to stop biological dangers from causing harm to mankind.

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