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The Possible Role of COVID-19 in the Sharp Rise to Nearly 113,000 More Deaths in Japan in 2022

Statistics from the health ministry that were only recently made public have shown that there was a substantial rise in the number of excess deaths in Japan in the previous year. The numbers reached 113,000, which is more than twice the amount of up to 50,000 in 2021. This rise is suspected to have some kind of connection, either directly or indirectly, to COVID-19.

The National Institute of Infectious Diseases has estimated that the difference between the actual number of deaths that occurred and the expected number of deaths in a given period, which is referred to as excess deaths, will range between 47,330 and 113,399 in the year 2022. This is a significant increase from the previous year’s range of 11,475 to 50,495. The omicron variety of COVID-19, which was responsible for a record number of infections and fatalities in Japan in the previous year, may be to blame for the recent spike in mortality of this kind.

The director of the NIID, Takaji Wakita, who is also the chair of the coronavirus advisory council for the health ministry, indicated that the senior population in Japan was hit especially hard by the omicron version of the virus. Aspiration pneumonia, which is caused by a lung infection tied to a diminished capacity to eat and swallowing issues such as dysphagia, has been linked to the deaths of a number of older individuals, according to medical professionals.

It has been said by Wakita that “The number of people who have passed away as a result of respiratory ailments and old age has gone up recently. It’s possible that the proliferation of the omicron variety played a role in this phenomenon. Further research and analysis are required on this topic.”

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