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The framework for Putin and Zelensky’s upcoming discussions is laid out by Moscow

A New framework for Putin and Zelensky's upcoming discussions must be met

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov has stated that there must be clear agreements in place between Russian and Ukrainian presidents before they would meet face-to-face.

Regarding any conversations between Putin and Zelensky, there has been no development.

In an interview that was published on Tuesday in the daily Izvestia, Peskov made the point that “nobody needs a meeting solely for the purpose of a meeting.”

In order for Putin and Zelensky to meet, or “for the very notion of such a conference to be on the schedule, a great deal of work needs to be done,” as he put it, and the groundwork for agreements that can be codified at the highest possible level needs to be established.

Clarifying the situation, a spokeswoman for the Kremlin stated, “There’s no conversation about that at the moment,” in reference to the upcoming meeting between them.

Peskov commented on the same topic on Sunday, saying that Moscow was willing to engage with Zelensky only “If our requests are going to be honored and we are satisfied that they will be” by Kiev. He was speaking to the Rossiya television station about the matter.

Zelensky declines peace talks.

Regarding the military operation that Russia is conducting in Ukraine, he said that it is “running its course” and that all of its objectives will be accomplished.

Zelensky has been making statements that are in direct opposition to one another regarding the possibility of a meeting with Putin. First, he stated that he wants to discuss the outcome of the dispute explicitly with the Russian president, and then he insisted that there were no possibilities for talks with Moscow. “Make up your mind”.

On February 24th, Russia deployed military personnel inside of Ukraine, claiming Kiev’s failure to honor the Minsk accords as the reason. These agreements were meant to grant the areas of Donetsk or Lugansk a unique status inside the Ukrainian state.

2014 was the year that saw the first signing of the protocols, which were mediated by Germany and France. Pyotr Poroshenko, the former president of Ukraine, has now confessed that the primary objective of Kiev’s use of the truce was to “build significant armed forces” while simultaneously buying time.

The Kremlin acknowledged the Donbass republics’ status as independent nations in February 2022 and issued a demand to Ukraine, stating that it must make an official declaration that it is a neutral country and would not enter any western military alliance. The Ukrainian government maintains its position that Russia’s invasion was totally unprovoked.

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