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The Drug War at the Southern Border Is About to Explode

The Drug War at the Southern Border Is About to Explode – There is a war on. We are not winning. mainly due to the fact that the behemoth that is the federal government has decided not to participate in the conflict.

If there was ever a time when radical decentralization was desperately needed, that time is now. Because of federal govt is unwilling to take action, the responsibility for finding solutions falls here on southern border areas, municipalities, and townships.

I will be linking the external factors that are united against us while outlining the terrible roles that they play in this important talk.

I will talk about remedies. They are real. They are not made up.

Major media organizations are already disclosing that large quantities of medications that are infused with the lethal opioid substance fentanyl have been entering the country thru the southern border.

The most recent drug deliveries Have been MADE TO LOOK LIKE Sweets or candy for kids, and this is one of the most concerning aspects of the situation.

Yet, NO journalist from a prominent outlet who is reporting this topic has ever asked WHY.

I’m asking now and here are my thoughts.

This is not your typical drug smuggling organization, where the goal is to get people hooked on drugs so they can become clients or junkies.

This is the deliberate infliction of DEATH upon the victim, and the targets are KIDS.

Drug War at the Southern Border

It resembles the situation in which divisions of hostile ground forces were assaulting cities and villages in the United States and mowing down citizens with sprays of gunfire.

It puts the illegal distribution of opioids by pharma firms in a much more dismal light.

In preparation for this invasion, Massive tactics have been carried out in the past to set the stage. These operations were designed to keep the people subdued, confused, and immobilized.

But those two processes might appear to have no connection to one another, but they do. They work together harmoniously.

BLM, George Floyd protests, criminal waves in metropolitan areas, local prosecutors backed by Soros who discharge violent criminals into societies, Mexican drug cartels, China, the worldwide hub of narcotic smuggling, violent United states criminal groups, financial companies, as well as Critical Race Theory are a few of the elements that are trying to make the fight against United states not only conceivable but also doable. Other contributing factors include:

You are witnessing the dark underbelly of globalization, which necessitates the destruction of nations so as to conquer them. This is necessary because it is impossible to gain control of societies that are thriving because they have the freedoms that enable them to thrive.

There seem to be billions of people in the United States who already are aware that something has gone absolutely wrong at the southern border, despite the fact that many naive, virtue-signaling Americans are adamant about thinking that our southern border is the site of a massive humanitarian operation.

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