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The Dangers of Synthetic Meat: Cancer-Causing Cell Lines and Harmful Ingredients

Some people have proposed synthetic meat as a solution to the problem of climate change; however, new research has uncovered the hidden risks associated with this so-called “fake meat.” It has been demonstrated that the immortalized cell lines employed in the production of synthetic meat can cause cancer, and other components of these goods can also offer potential dangers to one’s health.

Synthetic meat created using immortalized cell lines

In order to manufacture their products, certain firms that produce artificial meat are reportedly employing immortalized cell lines. This information comes from a report by Bloomberg. These cells are a mainstay of medical study, despite the fact that they are precancerous and have the potential to develop into a full-blown malignancy. They are a cause for concern for a great number of individuals because, like cancer, they can continue to proliferate indefinitely.

There is currently a lack of long-term safety information on the consumption of synthetic meat produced utilizing immortalized cell lines. Because there is a dearth of evidence, many people have doubts about whether or not these goods are safe to use. Under the correct circumstances, the immortalized cells included in these goods are able to proliferate indefinitely, which raises both safety and public perception issues.

Further Dangers to One’s Health Posed by Artificial Beef

In addition to the use of immortalized cell lines, additional components of synthetic meat products have also been linked to negative health effects. For instance, the Impossible Burger is made using soy leghemoglobin (SLH), which originates from genetically engineered yeast. It is the component that imparts the meaty flavor to the burger and is responsible for its ability to bleed like animal meat when sliced. However, a study that was carried out by the Children’s Health Defense discovered that SLH caused “inexplicable alterations within rat biology.” These “inexplicable alterations” included unexplained weight gain as well as changes in the blood that indicate the beginning of inflammation, kidney disease, and possibly signs of anemia.

Herbicide-tolerant soy protein (HTSP), which was first launched in 2019, is another component of the Impossible Burger. This component was added in 2019 to enhance the product’s texture and eliminate gluten. Impossible Burgers were discovered to have 11.3 parts per billion of glyphosate in them, according to tests that were commissioned by Mothers Across America. HTSP is made from soybeans that were treated with the pesticide glyphosate. This was 11 times more than the amount of glyphosate that was found in the Beyond Meat Burger, which consisted of plant-based components that had not been genetically modified.


It may appear like synthetic beef offers a solution to the problem of climate change; but, we must disregard the covert risks that are posed by the immortalized cell lines and other components of these goods. In view of the absence of long-term safety evidence for ingesting synthetic meat generated using immortalized cell lines as well as the health hazards linked with other substances, more research and care are both required. As consumers, it is our responsibility to demand openness from food makers and to educate ourselves on the potential drawbacks and advantages of the foods we consume.

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