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Millions of people are reporting Trudeau’s videos on YouTube for spreading false information

We understand that Canadian citizens are concerned about the potential impact of Bill C-11, which grants the government the right to censor online dissent. Many Canadians are now flocking to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s new YouTube channel to block and report it for spreading misinformation. This ongoing protest is fueled by fears that the government is becoming increasingly authoritarian and is limiting freedom of speech.

Trudeau has recently appointed an “Independent Special Rapporteur” whose job will be to censor dissenting voices and independent media online. He has also announced that $5.5 million will be invested in building the capacity of civil society organizations to combat disinformation. While foreign interference in Canadian elections is a serious concern, it is important to recognize that the definition of “disinformation” is subjective and can be used to silence legitimate dissent.

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) has previously warned the government about candidates with ties to the Chinese Communist Party, but these warnings were ignored. This highlights the government’s disregard for national security and the potential consequences of allowing foreign interference in Canadian politics.

Trudeau has claimed that his government is committed to protecting the values of “freedom, openness, and dialogue”. However, his actions suggest otherwise. By appointing a special rapporteur to censor dissenting voices, he is effectively silencing those who do not agree with his views. This is not in line with the principles of a democratic society.

It is important to note that interference in elections is not a new phenomenon. However, the rise of technology and social media has made it easier for foreign actors to manipulate public opinion. While it is important to take steps to combat foreign interference, it is equally important to ensure that these steps do not infringe upon freedom of speech.

In conclusion, Canadians have a right to be concerned about the potential impact of Bill C-11 and the government’s recent actions to censor dissenting voices. It is important for the government to recognize that the definition of “disinformation” is subjective and can be used to silence legitimate dissent. Protecting national security is important, but this must be balanced with the principles of a democratic society. By appointing a special rapporteur to censor dissenting voices, the government risks undermining these principles and limiting freedom of speech.

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