Disgraced Andrew Tate rants against ‘fallen nation’ UK & praises Trump in bizarre first interview since fleeing Romania

5 hours ago 14


Read what Andrew said astir the British authorities below

  • Published: 18:33, 3 Mar 2025
  • Updated: 18:41, 3 Mar 2025

TOXIC Andrew Tate has gone connected a bizarre rant against the UK aft describing it arsenic a "fallen nation" due to the fact that of a "lack of masculinity".

Andrew, 38, has besides heaped praised connected US President Donald Trump successful his archetypal podcast interrogation since fleeing Romania for Florida past week.

Man successful  sunglasses speaking into a microphone.


Andrew Tate has gone connected a bizarre rant against the UK aft describing it arsenic a 'fallen nation' due to the fact that of a 'lack of masculinity'Credit: YouTube/ PBD Podcast

Two men walking, 1  successful  a achromatic  turtleneck and pinkish  pants, the different   successful  a yellowish  blazer and grey  pants.


Andrew (L) and his member Tristan (R) fled Romania past week

Andrew and his younger brother Tristan, 36, jetted retired of Bucharest and landed successful Florida on Thursday to planetary uproar arsenic the brace inactive look looming enactment trafficking allegations.

Speaking successful a sit-down chat for the archetypal clip since his brazen American trip, Andrew blasted the British government.

He said connected the PBD Podcast with Patrick Bet-David that helium has a "strong suspicion" connected wherefore the UK "hates" him.

Andrew labelled it arsenic a "fallen nation" earlier sensationally labelling himself arsenic "a awesome of absorption against their communism".

It comes aft the Trump medication lobbied the Romanian government to easiness constraints connected the brothers, according to a Financial Times study past week.

They are said to person asked that the brothers' passports are returned to them which would let them to question contempt investigations continuing.

Andrew thanked Trump and his squad for helping him navigate his mode retired of Romania wherever helium inactive faces enactment trafficking accusations alongside Tristan.

He described Trump arsenic "such a boss" and a gangster but did corroborate the brace person ne'er formally spoke.

Illustration of the Tate brothers' formation  from Romania to the US, amidst a enactment    transgression  investigation.

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