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Can Canadians Push Back Against Compulsory Injections?

Compulsory Injections

So, how Can Canadians Push Back against Compulsory Injections if the Provinces have already started executing shot requirements by needing verification of inoculation to go to specific community and leisure activities or gain access to non-essential services?

By these kinds of announcements came a surge in vaccine-hesitant Canadians that resist the recommendation, most of whom are worried their legal rights and even liberties are being stripped from them.

This Pandemic Ends When Canadians Just Say NO

This ends up being a wedge or a problem within the political elections. Problem? Being able to choose is a PROBLEM? WTF? Anyway, let’s continue, shall we?

Jean-Yves Duclos informed Canadians that the governments were beginning to have discussions with the provinces regarding “mandating injections throughout Canada”. WOW, Failing shots, that have minimal protection, and if you take them you can STILL catch, SPREAD the virus, according to the CDC, FDA, WHO, and NIH. Yep, makes perfect sense to me…

Certainly, there’s lots of pushback coming from Canadians, including Alberta Premier Jason Kenney, But please take anything this guy says with a grain of salt, he is like Doug Ford, A FLIP FLOPPER!

Among the highest frequently referenced points in opposition to injection requirements are that they breach the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, More to the point – Section 7 of the charter, which reads:

” Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.”

However, based on constitutional experts, these types of assertions are not really correct. Although vaccination requirements might have an influence on charter rights, if it really is a violation of those legal rights, it is extremely unlikely when considering certain precedents set.

” If somebody claims, ‘vaccination passports are a violation of charter rights’– I will say it’s deceptive,” claimed Milne.

Individuals have claimed that the province overstepped its own power and even breached constitutional civil liberties. And Yet a Supreme Court established that the breach was actually warranted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Wasn’t it that just ONE Judge in ONE court? It’s NOT hard to see who put that judge in office, and to whom his or her loyalties are.

Just take a moment to reflect on the Mainstream Media, where do they get funding from? OK, I’ll tell you, from the” CRIME MINISTER OF CANADA”.

Anthony Furey discusses this here.

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